An illustrated label for Melbourne-based coffee roastery, Bloom

Melbourne-based new coffee roastery, Bloom, are commissioning an illustration for their packaging.
Create a coffee label for the signature blend 'Morning Ritual'. The brand's personality is fun and playful — think about how you feel in the morning when you take that first sip and start your day just right. Find joy in your cup! 

Initial concept ideas

The concept blends a character diving into the day with gusto, combined with the enticing aroma of your morning brew. 
Thanks to Lynn Bremner for creating such a fun brief — your enthusiasm and insights into the industry were inspiring!

Final label artwork

This is one of four mock project briefs set by Inkygoodness Collective, as part of their 28-Day Packaging Illustration Challenge for artists and illustrators.
Artwork has not been commissioned and is in no way affiliated with or licensed by Lynn Bremner or Bloom Coffee. Copyright remains with the artist.

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