An illustrated label for Spanish food brand Rita Lita Chilipiquin Chilli hot sauce
Wonderkind Agency teamed up with Inky Goodness Collective to set a packaging illustration brief within the Consumer Packed Goods (CPG) food & beverage industry.
The Rita Lita Hot Sauce brand is a family-run business in Texas, with it's roots firmly planted in Mexico. Two brothers have expanded on their great great Grandmother, Rita's, authentic Mexican flavours, continuing the family values of using only seasonal fresh ingredients grown on the family farm to develop a Chilipiquin and Jalapeno chili hot sauce.
Illustrate a label for the high-end Spanish food brand Rita Lita Chilipiquin Chilli hot sauce. Remember to take into account the premium price point, the predominantly young, female target audience, and the competitors who will share the same supermarket shelf space.

Blazingly hot chili concept sketch

Family portrait sketch of Great Great Grandma Rita

A different version of Rita Lita

Final Rita sketch with added sass
Concept sketches focusing on two different aspects of the Rita Lita brand story
This was the perfect brief to have fun with some character designs, so I decided to focus on Rita, the matriarch who started the family business generations ago. Her portrait shows her as a sassy, fearless woman with her apron on, ready to get stuck in in the kitchen. The textures and sketchy outlines add a handcrafted feel, while the vibrant colours, scalloped edges of the label and family tree motifs are a nod to Mexican heritage. Gold foil accents add a premium feel to the packaging, while the bold blue and pink limited colour palette stands out from their competitors' warmer colour choices.
Thanks to Wonderkind for your feedback during the project — your suggestions helped me draw out Rita's personality in the final design which was really fun!

Final label artwork
This is one of four mock project briefs set by Inkygoodness Collective, as part of their 28-Day Packaging Illustration Challenge for artists and illustrators.
Artwork has not been commissioned and is in no way affiliated with or licensed by Wonderkind Agency. Copyright remains with the artist.