A contemporary twist on The Great Gatsby book cover design

Create an illustrated cover for The Great Gatsby. Add a contemporary twist to the well-known story.
Initial concept sketches
Initial concept sketches
Revised final sketch
Revised final sketch
Concept sketches focusing on the focus of Gatsby's attention, Daisy Buchanan, and her struggle against society's expectations
Colour draft options
I chose to look at the brief from the perspective of the book's female characters living in the free-spirited and opulent 1920s but still constrained by societal pressures and expectations. 
Inspired by Nouveau Deco design (a modern take on Art Deco) I used big bold geometric shapes and typography to create an uneasiness in the composition. Bold, vibrant colours add a modern twist to the classic novel.

Final artwork

One of six mock project briefs set by Inkygoodness Collective, as part of their Make Your Mark 10-week programme for artists and illustrators.
Artwork has not been commissioned and is in no way affiliated with or licensed by a publishing agency. Copyright remains with the artist.

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